The doctor-patient relationship is a human interaction, and doctors are human too. They don’t want to upset their patients, and neither do they want their patients to look unhappy or shed tears. But they also need to be professionals, so they need to find out an effective way of communicating.
That’s critical for doctors to realize, because as well-intentioned as their lies may be, studies show that patients prefer the truth, and would rather hear bad news than remain ignorant about a terrible physical condition. Being fully informed is a way that patients can cope and prepare for whatever might occur.
医患关系 the doctor-patient relationship
他们不想让病人心烦,也不想让病人难过或流泪。They don’t want to upset their patients, and neither do they want their patients to look unhappy or shed tears.(注:注意这句话的翻译以及neither的用法。)
善意的 well-intentioned
宁可听到坏消息,,也不愿意对对糟糕的身体状况一无所知 would rather hear bad news than remain ignorant about a terrible physical condition(注:注意这句话的翻译以及would rather...than...的用法,后面都用动词原形。)
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